I have an exciting announcement...My Blank-ees website (www.blank-ees.com) has officially gone live! woo hoo!! (I'm doing a happy dance right now, you just can't see me) Please check it out and let me know what you think. Feedback is always welcome and appreciated! Josh Wagner and Nick Beranek both worked extra hard to bring it into being and I am so grateful to them both.

Each week (starting next week) the website will feature a Blank-ee set of the week that you'll be able to buy at a discount. I'll be taking suggestions for sets of four characters, so if you really want to see a character I haven't painted yet, let me know! The website will also feature my upcoming appearances, pictures of people who have purchased Blank-ees, commissions I've done, and all kinds of other exciting stuff.
That's it for now. Thanks for stopping by and checking out the Garage Art Studio's blog! More exciting posts to come. =P