Hey Everybody!
Hope all 17 of you blog followers are well (and also our 20 twitter pals.) Here's a look at what the studio's up to these days.
First up- Previews! Short list this time but anyone who knows Chris Moreno knows that he's often working while the rest of us are looking at television or goofing off. This month, his diligence brings us--
MOTEL HELL #3 (of 3)OCT10 0430
SRP: $3.99
Next up! The studio will be represented out in NY this weekend. Chris, Mark and Lauren will all be set up. Make sure you swing by their tables and pick something up. Mark dos Santos will be debuting an awesome new print at the show and it looks like this...
Pretty sweet, right? The colors are by Mark's #1 guy
Lastly: You may remember a few months back All the guys in the studio did covers for the
Hero Initiative's Archie 50 project (don't remember?
Here you go.) So that book's coming out in January and in an surprising and humbling (not that I can handle too much more humbling) move, the folks at Archie & Hero decided to use my cover for the cover of the whole book.
Cool, right? Make sure to pick up the book in January. Inside you'll find amazing work by John Romita, Joseph Michael Linsner, George Perez, Cliff Chiang, Joe Jusko, Sam Kieth and many more.
Support the Initiative, they do good work for a good cause.
OK- that's all for this time. Make sure to check in early and often for all your... knowing about what me and the other studio guys are up to... needs.
Peaceout everybody!